Design System

Financial Review Experience Design System

The daily habit of effective digital products

chanticleer rooster


This guide is a resource for designers, product managers, and developers, providing a common language around Australian Financial Review design patterns. We use it to maintain modular front-end code and visual harmony across digital touchpoints that reflect the journalistic excellence of Australian Financial Review.

how to use

On the left hand side of the screen is a menu listing all the sections and topics addressed in this styleguide.

If you are an editor and want to know how to make changes to it, click the “about this site” link at the very bottom of the page.

If you wish to know more about what drives this project from a high level, read on.

UI Fabric

This style guide is based largely on the principles of Atomic Design. The key idea of this methodology is that small, independent - atomic - parts, can be combined into larger molecular structures. Molecules can be combined into larger organisms, which can then serve as the foundation for templates and full pages.





We’ve identified the following principles as unique to Australian Financial Review:

  • Refined

    We strive to ensure everything has its place. Elegant and cultured, in appearance and taste.

  • Honourable

    We honour the prestige of the brand and its heritage, leaving a good legacy.

  • Tailored

    We reward discerning customers with our attention to detail. Respectful of and appealing to them. We craft with purpose.

  • Distinctive

    We are the daily habit of successful people — knowledgeable, influential and without peer. We have a distinguished voice.

Use a little, use a lot, use it all. Here’s how the Financial Review Experience Design System may help you:

Edward cat

User Experience and Design

From prototyping to designing a look and feel, use these tools for design websites and digital services. Create experince s for your users that feel consistent across products.

Edward cat

User Interface Development

Save time and development cycles by reusing the code to efficiently update and build products that are accessible and consistent for your users.